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Different approaches for different platforms
Different approaches for different platforms

Jun 30 2023

Different approaches for different platforms

Learn the unique benefits of popular social media platforms and which ones to use to maximize your reach.

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This is the seventh page of an eight-part guide. 

Of all the social networks, LinkedIn is considered most directly focused on professional purposes. Here you can establish yourself as an expert through easy-to-digest, original content while also sharing company news, team highlights or otherwise. Look to create engagement, as comments and likes will increase the visibility of your posts. Here, your voice would potentially be more formal than on other social platforms. 

LinkedIn, of course, can be a great resource for new connections. See who your connections are connected to, particularly as they extend from your ideal clients or centers of influence. Ensuring that your profile is optimized with the appropriate images, branding and information (including your educational background and awards received) will help drive these connections. Take time to build out your online identity as a thought leader through videos, blog items or other engaging content. Engage with others to create a two-way system of communication rather than just putting information out there. 

Some additional possible content ideas could include your entrepreneurial journey, charitable impact and events you are attending or sponsoring. Consider adjusting your posting approach every so often to explore different ways to attract engagement and new connections. 


On Facebook, you can see updates about your clients as well as notice opportunities to help them. This can range from exciting news like birth announcements, graduations and weddings, to sad news like injuries or deaths. Any may prompt, as appropriate, a note about insurance coverage, income protection and more, and this proactive service can show your clients you are keeping their best interests in mind. 

Meanwhile, you can post success stories about clients’ financial planning or situations when people have suffered due to lack of planning. Your online presence can help drive referrals, as even if your material doesn’t catch the eye of your connections, they will have you in mind if people in their lives need an advisor. 

On that note: Posting about a new client on your Facebook page will only reach your connections. If a new client posts about you on their page, it reaches their connections, vastly increasing the number of potential new clients who are learning about your services through the recommendation from someone they know. 


Though not as powerful as it once was, Twitter can still be a place to reach new audiences. Utilize hashtags in moderation to help your content be found by people looking for information about financial planning, coverage or other services, and adjust your posts to be both efficient and eye-catching. Posting daily establishes you as a reliable voice in the community. 


On this photo- and video-based platform, you can post infographics for education, utilize hashtags to be found by more potential clients, and determine the appropriate proportion of business-related and personal posts.  


This is another place where you can establish yourself as an expert through explainer videos or other posts that establish your work and ability to help. Perhaps you can explain various types of insurance coverage, how different plans fit different clients, the benefits they offer and more. Respond to comments on your post and recognize that engagement can lead to possible clients or referrals. Or both! 


As a video platform particularly popular with younger generations, TikTok is a place for a more casual tone of voice. Take time to understand what material connects on TikTok and adapt the message you want to deliver. How can your personality, experience or practice overall thrive in this quick-hitting video format? 


To an extent, you can think of WhatsApp as a social media platform that contains only your followers. Some advisors utilize this program to send messages to large groups or different subsections of connections at once, with the mobile nature of WhatsApp lending itself well to timely communication as well as easy distribution of messages or links. 

Go to page 5: What not to do
Go to page 6: What to post?
Go to page 8: Other questions to consider