Results: 38
Stephanie Toyoko Nagami
What techniques attract top talent, and what questions help separate the wrong candidate from the right hire? Nagami explains how she has utilized strategy and process to assess potential staff members and build a thriving team.
Danny O’Connell, MBA
Even when advisors have hired the right person, discussing salary, raises and company financial information can be difficult. O'Connell explains an innovative yet straightforward way you can establish open communication about these often-complicated topics to drive development and satisfaction for your employees and yourself.
Aaron Kane, B Bus, AFA; Adam Thomas Rex, AIF, CFP
If discomfort arises among employees in your office, how do you address and move forward from the situation? In this episode, MDRT members share how they develop a straightforward, successful approach when tense or complicated situations arise.
Sim Gakhar, CHS, CEA
Rishav Garg
Joseph Tan, ChFC, CLU
Elevating your performance doesn’t have to mean working harder or closing bigger cases. Tan explains how a gentler trajectory, driven by delegating tasks to paraplanners and staff as well as the Whole Person concept, can be just as effective while also prioritizing longevity and balance.
Catherine Gough, FPFS
Can hiring a paraplanner benefit both you and your clients? Gough explains a paraplanner’s responsibilities, how to effectively work with paraplanners and the advantages they can bring, including the potential for succession planning.
Shawn R. Bjornsson, CPCA; Forrest DeBuys III, CLU, ChFC; Michael Joseph Haggerty, CPCA, CFP; Roy John Hall, ADFP, CCFP; Hozumi Hanada, LUTCF; Gary F. Heuer, FICS; Jamie McIntyre, CFP; Joshua John McWilliam, CFP, FMA; Jason L. Smith, CEP, BPC; Andrew Tice, FIC
Travis Maxwell Roche Hamilton; Aurora L. Tancock, CFP, FLMI
Jakob Bower; Janet Roslyn Lawe; Ryan Saunders, CFP, CLU; Leelee Stone, MM; Martin Dennis Weiss, LUTCF