The KASH framework
When we fail to convert prospects to clients, we must reassess those experiences. I use a framework called "KASH” that helps me continue with follow-up.
Knowledge: Possess a wealth of product knowledge and features as well as claims settlement arrangements.
Attitude: Have a positive attitude and image about your business, and try to design financial plans according to the needs of clients.
Skills: Continuously improve sales skills, use sales concepts, explain products concisely and guide clients to think about their needs.
Habit: Develop regular work habits to manage clients and day-to-day work. Also, build a sales system that can operate continuously.
Better booking

I use an online booking tool called OnceHub. I can embed this into my website, and my marketing team can send the link out to our clients, so they can schedule to meet when it is most convenient for them. No more back and forth trying to figure out a time that works for all parties. Now it is simple — I can block out the times when I am unavailable, and people can see a live feed of my calendar and book when it suits them. It saves time and sends reminders.
Survey says
While the Philippines was in strict lockdown during the rise of COVID-19, I was unsure who among my clients was ready to discuss and update their policies. So,
I created online survey forms that enabled me to subtly reach out to my clients and understand how I could serve them better. Here are some of the questions I asked:
- Which area am I excelling in as their advisor?
- Do they need a refresher on their policies?
- Payment channels? Client portals?
- How can I provide more value to them and their families?
- Are there other areas in the financial planning process that they’re interested in?
I sent out these survey forms electronically, and this prompted me to schedule policy updates/reviews with my clients during the pandemic. I included available dates and times for discussing the survey results and created immediate appointments. The survey responses gave me a better understanding of who to prioritize and the concerns that needed to be addressed.
Leave it to your team

I tell my senior team member, “My work is to meet the client, talk to them over a cup of coffee, exchange pleasantries, understand their requirements and urgent needs, and ...” After a brief pause, I say, “That is all I would do!” By that I mean, from there onward, my team member takes over. This approach avoids micromanaging and gives a sense of trust and responsibility to your team to onboard and service clients. This routine also creates more time for me to meet with more clients and increase our productivity. This system was accepted very well with my team and our results were obvious.
List of doctors
I keep myself well-prepared to offer reliable support and advice should any of my clients face a health crisis. I keep a list of doctors who excel in their respective fields based on clients’ feedback and recommend them to other clients in times of need. Many of my clients are impressed by this value-added service.

Start with term
I present clients a chart with quotes for term life insurance (with conversion) versus whole life insurance to initiate the conversation about increasing their life insurance coverage. I have found that while some clients cannot afford the whole life plan, they can afford the term plan. Then we can eventually convert their term plan to permanent insurance, thus protecting their families right now and improving the plan over time.
Labor equals love

Imagine you’ve spent time building a table. You’ve gone out and hand-selected the wood, measured twice to cut once and polished it to a shine. So much to be proud of. Now what if you saw a similar table at a furniture store. Would you view them as being equal, even if they were made with the same wood? The table you helped build probably would be more valuable to you because you were part of its creation. That same labor-equals-love extends to our prospects and their financial planning. Are your prospects engaged in their planning, and do they feel like they had an active hand in creating it? If they do, wouldn’t they be more likely to consider products with higher premiums or more savings because they entrusted you with the care and maintenance of a plan they jointly created?
What not to say
Avoid asking prospects, “Do you understand?” That phrase could imply that you are superior and smarter, and your listener is someone who doesn’t understand you. This question can cause prospects to look at you negatively and feel repressed. Instead, try “Would you like me to repeat anything so it’s easier to digest?” This makes the listener feel more comfortable.
Social media done right

I’ve been building my brand online through my wide following on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok. Through this initiative, prospects have been reaching out to me on my platforms. Even though I’m a financial advisor, I don’t use my platforms to sell insurance. That won’t resonate with my target audience, which is young people. Instead, I create content about actionable financial tips and hacks they can apply in their lives. Give value first. Don’t sell. The business will follow.
The success process
Success is not a coincidence; it’s a process that you commit to. Specifically, there are four words that should be part of your everyday existence that you deliver to your clients: improve, create, grow and shape. You are improving the current state of their life. You’re creating new opportunities. You’re helping someone grow as a result, and you’re helping people to shape their future. That’s the standard that shapes your brand. So, every day ask yourself: What am I doing to improve? What am I doing to create new opportunities? How am I growing to help my clients to grow their results? And how am I part of shaping the future?
Be a traffic attracter
Here are three ways to attract new traffic to your social media networks:
- Earn it. Share useful content and gain followers organically.
- Buy it. Pay for advertisements to expand your outreach and reach market niches by segmenting the ads.
- Borrow it. Look for collaborations with other accounts. You can make shared posts or live videos so that you make yourself known among the audiences of other social media posters.

Fill the bucket or plug the hole
As I was a STEM major, when I communicate with my clients about their life plans, I instantly calculate their future living expenses, education expenses, mortgage, retirement funds, etc., and give them the numbers so they can have an idea of how much they will need. I also show them a picture of a faucet and a bucket with a hole in it and ask them, “Do you want to open the faucet to increase the amount of water so the water in the bucket does not run out? Or do you want to plug the hole in the bucket so the water doesn’t leak out?” How they answer this question gives me an idea about their priorities for wealth management and insurance.