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From $2,000 to exponential growth
From $2,000 to exponential growth

Sep 01 2024 / Round the Table Magazine

From $2,000 to exponential growth

Deepen client relationships with the TEAM approach.

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I have been able to grow my production and increase my income 100-fold by transforming single sales into long-term client relationships. The strategy I used to bond with a client has helped me acquire more than 2,000 clients and grow my business exponentially during my 20 years as an advisor.

I met Jane at a roadshow 18 years ago when she was in her 30s. She has two beautiful children her mother was helping to take care of, and she was working her way up in a multinational company. My first insurance sale to Jane was a policy with a $2,000 annual premium.

Jane is more than just a client to me, and I am more than just an advisor to her. I rooted for her, supported her through all the highs and lows in life, and she, in turn, wants me to succeed professionally. She became my raving fan and referred her friends to me, knowing that I would take good care of them too. I am on my client’s team, and they are on mine. In fact, TEAM is an acronym that describes my approach to deepening client relationships.

Trigger. Life events, such as marriage, birthdays, childbirth or the passing of a loved one can act as triggers for changes to our financial planning. As our friendship grew, Jane confided in me about her life changes. When we celebrated her promotion together, my presence reminded her to consider enhancing her retirement planning. When her mother unfortunately was diagnosed with lung cancer and later passed away, I stood by her side. Realizing the vulnerability of life, she decided to increase her critical illness coverage.

Events. I organize various client events such as science camps, indoor playgrounds, Christmas parties, seminars, cooking get-togethers and Oktoberfest celebrations. These settings provide the perfect opportunity for casual conversations that can lead to sales. Over the years, I have hosted several children’s parties, which have enabled Jane to bond with her family, and allowed me to know her and all of them better. Even her children see me as the fun Aunty Jue Rong.

Appreciation. I make it a point to show appreciation for my clients with personalized gifts. As I became more familiar with Jane, I learned that she loves Christmas. So, every year I send her log cakes to show how much I appreciate her. When she receives those yummy treats, she sends me photos of her children’s happy faces.

Marketing. When I have clients with policies maturing, or if they lack certain coverage, I will run marketing campaigns to increase traction. My company offers loyalty perks like a discount on the first-year premium for clients with maturing policies and a $100 shopping voucher for clients who have paid their premiums in full. My company sends me lists of both client types, and then I reach out to arrange policy review meetings. These sessions are a good upsell opportunity, as clients with mature policies have received their payouts and are more willing to reinvest, and those who fully paid their premiums have more money available in their budget to buy more coverage.

As Jane’s advisor, I prioritize her needs by taking a proactive approach to managing her family’s portfolio. When I know Jane has any policies nearing maturity, I make sure to involve her.

As I dedicate myself to serving my clients, they refer me and keep coming back because of the trust and bond that we have built. Years later after buying that first insurance policy, Jane is now doing about $200,000 worth of annual business with me. TEAM is how I grew my practice. Start your exponential growth by creating a strong bond with your clients and be on each other’s team.

Jue Rong Lee is a 19-year MDRT member from Singapore. Contact her at leejuerong@pruadviser.com.sg.